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Intermediate English Grammar Step by Step


     UNIT 8


   Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form.


1. Be + going to + infinitive:
   I am going to dance.
   You are going to fall.
   He is not going to sing.
   She is going to break it.
   Is it going to rain?
   We aren't going to lend you the car.
   Are you going to arrange a party?
   They're going to buy the house.

a  She (resign).
b  We (not allow) that here.
c  They really (rent) the house?
d  It (take) us a long time.
e  You (study) this year?


2. We use will + infinitive to form the future simple. Please note that will contracts to 'll, and will not, to won't.
   I will help them.
   You'll be late.
   He will not pass.
   She won't forgive you.
   Will it snow?
   We'll finish in time.
   You will not fail.
   They won't do it.
   Will they arrive late?

a  I think she (not turn) up.
b  I hope they (pay) us a visit.
c  If it isn't foggy, I (take) you there.
d  Help me and I (repay) you.
e  It (do) us any good if we take next week off?


3. See unit 5 for further information about the present continuous (to be + verb-ing).
   I'm taking my wife to the theatre this afternoon.
   She isn't going out tonight. She has an exam tomorrow.
   We are having a party tomorrow evening. Would you like to come?

a  I (sit) for an exam tomorrow morning.
b  We (have) a child next month.
c  He (not go) there tonight. He has many things to do.
d  They (come) round this evening?
e  He (sell) the cottage in two days.


4. Be going to + infinitive, will + infinitive and the present continuous express future, but with nuances of meaning:
   I'm playing tennis with Paul this afternoon. (Paul and I have arranged to meet.)
   I'm going to play tennis with Paul this afternoon. (This is my intention. Paul and I have not arranged to meet.)
   I'm staying/I'm going to stay at home tonight. (The difference is very slight, so both forms are possible.)
   This machine is going to break down. (There are signs that say so.)
   This machine is breaking down. (That is, now)
   "We need more garlic!"
   "OK! I'll bring some." (I have taken this decision now.)
   He's bought a paintbrush. He's going to paint the sitting-room. (That is to say, a premeditated intention.)
   I think they will help us. (This is my opinion.)
   If the weather is good, we will go for a swim. (A conditional sentence2: if [present], [will + infinitive]).
   I'm going (to go) there this evening. (To go may be left out to avoid mentioning the word go twice.)
   I'm going to come / I'm coming here this evening.
   Will you help me, please? (Will you + infinitive is used for requests or invitations.)

a  I think he (tell) the truth, but I'm not sure about it.
b  Eliza's enrolled for a Catalan course. She (study) Catalan next month.
c  This evening, he (come) to the opera as well. He loves opera.
d  He is driving too fast. He has been drinking a lot and is zigzagging. He (crash).
e  "Didn't you know that the Evans have come back?"
   "No, I didn't. I (pay) them a visit tomorrow."


5. Revision exercise.
a  I've taken the car because I (go) to town tonight. If you like, you can come.
b  "Daddy, I've failed my maths exam."
   "Then you (not watch) the telly tonight."
c  I've got a date this evening. I (meet) the girl of my dreams. She (wait) for me at the pub round the corner at seven.
d  We are saving up because we (get) married in October.
e  If we don't sell now, we (make) big money.
f  I've run out of money. Can you lend me five pounds? I (pay) you back tomorrow.
g  "You (read) this for me, please? I've left my glasses at home!"
   "Yes sure!"
h  "Did you know that I (make) a party on Friday evening?"
   "No, I didn't, but I (go), if you want me to go."
i  My big sister (take) me to the circus at six, so I can't play with you then.
j  I'm not sure, but I think it (snow) tomorrow. If I were you, I wouldn't go camping tomorrow.
k  "What do you want that adjustable spanner for?"
   "I (mend) my bike."
l  "I've forgotten to water the plants!"
   "Don't worry. I (water) them for you later."
m  "I (invest) some money in this project. Tomorrow we (sign) the contract."
   "Really! I didn't know you had the intention of investing there."
   "Well, I'm almost sure that it (make) a handsome profit."
n  "I've decided that Paul won't go."
   "You (not invite) him? Why?"
   "Well, I'd better keep it to myself."
o  —Look at that woman over there! What she (do)?
   —She has a stone in her hand, and (throw) it at that car.
   —Hey, that's my car!
p  They (climb) the Alps next summer. I hope nothing wrong (happen) to them.
q  "You (prepare) another delicious green salad, please?"
   "Yes, of course."
r  "I haven't got a hairdryer."
   "No, problem" I (lend) you mine."
s  "I have a crick in my neck!"
   "Okay! I (massage) it for you."
t  "I can't go to your party!"
   "But Sylvia (go) too."
   "Then, I (go)."
u  "What are your plans?"
   "We (play) a joke on them."
v  I (buy) a bunch of red roses for my wife this afternoon, as it is our silver wedding anniversary, but please don't tell her anything, because it must be a surprise.
w  She (open) another shop near here in two weeks. Would you like to have a look at it?
x  They (have) to arrest him, I think.
y  "He needs a teacher of English. His English is poor."
   "I (tell) my boyfriend to teach him English."
z  Remember this: "If you don't respect yourself, nobody (do) it for you."


1  The present continuous is also called "the present progressive".
2  For further information, see unit 10.
Written by Miquel Molina i Diez
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