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Gramàtica anglesa per a principiants: • Índex
Gramàtica anglesa de nivell mitjà: • Matèries
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Exercicis variats per a principiants: gramàtica anglesa i vocabulari (pàgina 4)


28   Tradueix les oracions següents a l'anglés:
     Exemple: Hi havia una poma.
              There was an apple.
a     Hi havia un ordinador.
b     Hi havia un hotel.
c     Hi havia un banc.
d     Hi havia una dona.
e     Hi havia un ganivet.


29   Tradueix les oracions següents a l'anglés:
     Exemple: Hi havia dues pomes.
              There were two apples.
a     Hi havia dos ordinadors.
b     Hi havia dos hotels.
c     Hi havia dos bancs.
d     Hi havia dues dones.
e     Hi havia dos ganivets.


30   Transforma en interrogativa les oracions següents:
     Exemple: There is a lorry.
              Is there a lorry?
a     There is a van.
b     There is an island.
c     There is a restaurant.
d     There is a fork.
e     There is a supermarket.


31   Transforma en interrogativa les oracions següents:
     Exemple: There are two dogs.
              Are there two dogs?
a     There are two bedrooms.
b     There are two kitchens.
c     There are two libraries.
d     There are two bathrooms.
e     There are two bookshops.


32   Transforma en interrogativa les oracions següents:
     Exemple: There was a lot of rain.
              Was there a lot of rain?
a     There was a spoon.
b     There was a cup.
c     There was a glass.
d     There was a dish.
e     There was a plate.


33   Transforma en interrogativa les oracions següents:
     Exemple: There were two pencil sharpeners.
              Were there two pencil sharpeners?
a     There were two shops.
b     There were two postmen.
c     There were two doctors.
d     There were two rivers.
e     There were two mountains.


34   Transforma en negativa les oracions següents:
     Exemple: There was a lake.
              There was not a lake.
a     There was a school.
b     There was a forest.
c     There was a train station.
d     There was an airport.
e     There was a bus stop.


35   Transforma en negativa les oracions següents:
     Exemple: There were two clocks.
              There were not two clocks.
a     There were two planes.
b     There were two bikes.
c     There were two people.
d     There were two children.
e     There were two teachers.


36   Transforma en negativa i en interrogativa les oracions següents:
     Exemple: I have got ten dollars.
              I have not got ten dollars. (negativa)
              Have I got ten dollars? (interrogativa)

a    They have got a bottle of orange juice.
b    We have got twelve comics.
c    My friends have got a lot of vegetables.
d    You have got a good friend.
e    I have got the flu.
Autor: Miquel Molina i Diez
Pàgines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, la clau


Potser t'interessarà rebre un arxiu pdf amb el material mostrat davall perquè pugues estudiar sempre que vulgues.

1. Contesta les preguntes següents (principiants)

2. Fes preguntes per a les següents respostes (principiants)

3. Exercicis variats per a principiants

4. Oracions negatives i interrogatives (nivell mitjà)

5. Some, any and every; some, any, every + -body / -one, -thing i -where (nivell mitjà)

6. Paraules que fan referència a la nacionalitat

7. Oracions per a restaurants

La clau

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