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Gramàtica anglesa per a principiants: • Índex
Gramàtica anglesa de nivell mitjà: • Matèries
English Grammar Step by Step: • Contents
• Notes
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Tests per a aprendre anglès


Hi ha tres categories: principiants/bàsic, mitjà i avançat. Cada test es troba sota un d'aquests tres nivells, i conté almenys deu preguntes. Reps un punt per resposta correcta.

A mesura que passe el temps, s'hi afegiran més exàmens. També potser s'ampliaran alguns dels existents.

Títol i descripcióPreguntesVegades fet
Categoria: Principiants
Vocabulary 11141
Revision, Hotchpotch 11502
Antonyms, Opposites
The opposite of ... is ...
Comparative and Superlative Sentences 111437
The Colours 13439
Word Order 10224
Expressions, and Idioms 21224
Prepositions 30558
Find the odd one out 31597
Numbers 10466
Irregular Verbs 12794
Wh- Question Words 159001
Short Answers 10357
Question Tags 133010
Conditionals: Impossible 10176
Conditionals: Unreal or Improbable 10150
Conditionals: Possible or Real 10798
A, an, some, the 12544
The Present Perfect Simple 106645
The Past Continuous (or Progressive) 102486
The Simple Past 11875
The Present Continuous or Progressive 111101
The Simple Present 12355
To Be 22331
Reflexive Pronouns 111162
Possessive Pronouns 102008
Personal Object Pronouns 103010
Personal Subject Pronouns 142305
Possessive Adjectives 148346
Categoria: Mitjà
Vocabulary 1653
Revision, Hotchpotch 1116
Modal Verbs 115817
Infinitives and -ing forms 10447
Word Order 10108
Indirect Speech 10177
Relative clauses: who, whom, that, which, whose, where 103867
Few, a lot, little, much, many, no, plenty 101247
Enough, too, so, such 107062
Neither, either, none, any, both, all 1015706
The Saxon genitive 10705
So, neither, nor, either 101151
Antonyms, Opposites
The opposite of ... is ...
Comparative and Superlative Sentences 10328
Singular and Plural Nouns
Which one is not correct?
Prepositions 10278
Find the odd man out 1760
Expressions, Idioms 22157
Used to, be used to, get/become used to and would 103534
I wish and if only 102934
Question Tags 12205
Categoria: Avançat
Nombre total d'exàmens: 77

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